Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Super Powers

Out of the world population of the Super people both hero and vilans. There is only one power out there suitable for me. Telekinetics. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects from one place to another or even reshaping objects without any form of physical contact, . This power will prove how advantageous it truly is very easially. For instance say someone is plumitting strait to their demise off of a enormus skyscraper you could fairly easilly move a giant foam mat to where they are going to land and save a life right there. As well as using this quite practical power for the use and aid of other I would do some things for my self. Like just think moving, simple, redecorating, piece of cake, . And have you ever been woken up in the morning by that irritating alarm that seems like its in another time zone its so far away and you have to get up and saunter all the way over there just to turn it off. Well you do not have to anymore. You can just pull it right over. Many people use this gift well such as matilta, or George Malley from phenomenon, and Jean from X-man. so throught out time there has been countless numbers of historical people that have experiences with this telent of telekinetics.


  1. Hey there Dustin. So you have a great power, and have explained it well. But you just need to pre read you paragraph. There are some puncuations that are in the wrong spots or just not suppose to be there! Good diction, you are using a varity of big words, which is good. You have a swear word..lol

  2. Telekinetics is not the power I would have thought that you would have wanted Dustin, but I am impressed onthe fact that you could tell in so much detail why you would want this power and why it would benifit you and others. I do agree with Kayla, as you need to proof read your work a couple times, as there are some spelling mistakes and some places where you could use a comma. But other than that, it was well written.

